General Document Management

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General Document Management

Managing digital documents by email and network drives is not only ineffective, but also prone to risk. Furthermore allowing staff to use free on-line sharing tools exposes your business to business information loss and leakage?


The Challenge

Managing digital documents by email and network drives is not only ineffective, but also prone to risk. Furthermore allowing staff to use free on-line sharing tools exposes your business to business information loss and leakage?

The Solution

Improve workflow, increase information reuse, eliminate redundancy, securely control content, and avoid conflicts and data loss – all in a single document management solution that integrates with Windows Explorer.

Key Features


All operating systems, including mobile devices.

Version Control

Manage document revisions without duplicating files or losing changes.


Work effectively in groups without using external collaboration tools or email.

Security & Permissions

Easily control who can access what, and if accessible, what they can do with the content. Easy integration with Active Directory.

Key Benefits


Powerful security without administrative overheads.

Latest Information

Always work off the latest version.


Out of the office doesn’t mean unable to work. Mobility on any device, including off-line capability.

Office Integration

Work simply in the MS Office packages without having to move files after saving.